No, this is not what the contestants had to produce for tonight's Masterchef episode. According to the Masterchef page on Throng, a commercial PR website “serving the production, broadcast and viewing of television”, it was:
“A chocolate marquise with roasted pistachio and orange, cocoa & vanilla chill biscuits, poached rhubarb and gramanie and orange, a traditional ,classic spun sugar, glucose based raspberry marshmellow and vanilla cream Bubbles”.
When I saw the actual Alien-Spacecraft-Has-Landed creation, I couldn't help thinking that if Cake Wrecks ran to desserts, this would end up on it. Even with everything properly labelled – tuile biscuits, Grand Marnier, spun sugar decoration (well, I think that’s what it was) – and properly made (not surprisingly, only Steve managed this feat) – I wasn’t at all sure that I would want to, you know, eat it.
Some of it, yes. The marquise, definitely. The spotted wavy-wing tuile biscuits, probably (though how not to end up with them broken into unappealing little bits could be a problem). But the rest? Crunchy rhubarb topped with pink marshmallow blobs and cream frog spawn, anyone?
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