Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wrapped Kitchen

You may be familiar with a series of artworks which are usually said to be by Christo, although in fact they're by Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Their early works involved wrapping things up - starting with smaller things and going on to very large things. Here's one they did in Spoleto in 1968. It's called Wrapped Fountain.

I thought of them this week when my kitchen was wrapped. I was having part of it sprayed to give it a nice new surface, and this involved covering most of it in plastic for a few days. The effect was what I think Christo and Jeanne-Claude might be after: it turned the utterly familiar into something strange and mysterious and oddly beautiful.

Because it was wrapped, I couldn't work in it. Couldn't cook, couldn't clean, couldn't wash dishes. We ate takeaways - Chinese, Indian, cooked chook, smoked fish pie from the Gipp St deli. It felt like being on holiday.

I do like cooking. What I don't like is having to do the thinking and shopping and cooking and washing up all the time. Especially the washing up (even though we have a dishwasher). So this enforced break was remarkably refreshing. And when it ended today I had the pleasure of rearranging all the stuff I usually keep on the bench and the deep windowsill. 


  1. I know just what you mean about enjoying a break from planning for cooking, and cleaning up after cooking. I usually enjoy the cooking itself, but all the work that goes around can be tiring.

    I love your arrangement of jugs. My mum and I both love jugs, and we both use them in preference to jars and vases.

  2. Most of mine are functional, but I also used to collect Useful China Animals which were mainly jugs. I still have them packed away, there's nowhere to put them here (no mantelpieces!).

  3. Anne your post was beautiful to read. Glad you had a cooking + cleaning break! :)


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