Saturday, October 5, 2013

The joy of a flat white and Kiwi chat in Lyon

On a long trip like this, especially when you're on your own, there will inevitably be a low point where you just want to hide in your room. Mine struck  early this morning. Then I opened Facebook and found a message from Rosamund Morris James. With her French husband, she runs Cafe Mokxa - La BoĆ®te au Cafe, a Kiwi coffee shop in Lyon with properly roasted coffee. Mary Evans had posted me about her. So here she was, inviting me to come in this morning when she'd be there. I googled her location and saw it wasn't far from the metro stop I mastered yesterday, and it was on the way to Croix Rousse, the Hill of Work - silk weaving in particular - which had seen brutally repressed revolts for a minimum wage. I wanted to go there to see the museum. So I instantly felt better, got myself organised and trotted off, looking forward hugely to a Kiwi chat and hoping desperately that they would have flat whites.
       And there she was, with a warm welcome and her perfectly trained baristas turning out the finest coffee in Lyon. It's not just me saying that - the cafe is already well known and has been getting rave reviews. Now they're planning to open their own bakery as well. I had a wonderful time talking to her - and yes, having not one but two flat whites. With ferns on top.

See for yourself at


  1. That must have been wonderful to find a little bit of home on your travels.

  2. Yes, it was! Here in London they do reasonable flat whites, only too big and slightly feeble in terms of the coffee...


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