Monday, February 9, 2015

Real-life food

Oh dear, I see it's been a while since my last post. Put it down to the holidays. Well, I was away for a couple of weeks without wifi, so I couldn't post anything, could I.
         Of course I didn't stop eating, or cooking, for that matter. I always enjoy cooking in other people's kitchens, and making dinner (or at least dinner contributions) for my hosts.  So I made vegetable curry, neatly using things up - courgettes, kumara, half a red pepper.
         Another night we had watercress soup (replace the leeks in this recipe with chopped watercress) because I got a beautiful big bunch of watercress at the Taupo riverside market; and after the soup we had salad and perfect haloumi, from the Hohepa cheese stall.

One day we found smoked roe at the fish shop, and later on this week I'll post the extremely simple recipe for the taramasalata I made with it.
          What I really loved most of all is that while I was away, we managed to eat dinner outside almost every night - looking at this sort of thing:

So now I'm back to normal life (sigh), and I've decided that this year I'll record what I really have for dinner - see the list at the top on the right.
         Reading almost any food blog, including this one, you might get the impression that the authors never eat anything ordinary, let alone ready-made. But of course, for most of us that's completely wrong. I think it's important to be truthful about real-life food, and it will also be interesting to keep a record here of exactly what I'm eating every night. Warning: at times, content may disturb....


  1. I love the look of that haloumi, and I love your "What I had for dinner" addition. Some of the time I cook fabulous meals, but most of the time it's a matter of getting the family fed as I rush in from work, and before we all rush here, there and everywhere for the evening. Our girls have all gotten much more independent of late, but that means we're all much busier.

    1. Glad you like it! And it makes me post the entry every day, which is good for me.


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